Vienetta & The quest for the Diamond Sword
“When the final god fell, the Sword was carried into the earth with her. The doyen agreed it was too powerful, too charged with the gods’ energy to be held by anyone again.”
Chapter 1
“In the final battle, the doyen rose to protect the realm and stood before the gods with the Dengen Sword.” Vienetta heard her father’s words in her head. “They used it against the first of the gods. He withered to bone and dust. One by one, the others fell, until a final god remained.”
Elanora’s scowl deepened. She had been looking to catch a distracted Vienetta off-guard. But the epic battle of the legendary guardians who rose to protect the clans was a bedtime story Vee could recite by heart.
“Very good. Go on.” Elanora tapped the fingers of her left hand against the sling encasing her right arm – the result of an errant arrow during archery lessons. She was tall and muscular even through the long-sleeved tunic all their tutors wore.
“It was a long and fierce war, but the doyen had promised the clans if they united, they could be free of the whims of the gods, and the threat of destruction. Each clan had sent their best warriors to battle as a show of support. The warriors had long fallen, but the promise by the doyen remained. And so they fought on.” Vienetta could picture her father sitting at the side of her bed, still in his uniform. His shoulders slumped with weariness, but his eyes twinkled at her interest.
“When the final god fell, the Sword was carried into the earth with her. The doyen agreed it was too powerful, too charged with the gods’ energy to be held by anyone again.” Vienetta gestured at the wall behind Elanora, and the drawing of the campus they were in, pictured at the heart of the walled city.
“They carved a vault around that final resting place. And then a fort to protect it. And that became the campus we’re on today.” Vee glanced out the window to the ground below. The buildings curved in a horseshoe around the oval courtyard that covered the cavern storing the vault. The base of the horseshoe was the double-height stone atrium used by all to enter and exit the guarded fort.
On the other side of the courtyard, glistening in the low sun but still legible, was the hologram that had first held her attention. Projected onto a three-story brick wall, it told everyone in training where they ranked. First position would get an invitation to join the doyen. It would be an historic opportunity – the first placement in over twenty years.
Vienetta had spent her childhood dreaming of such a moment. Now in her final season on campus, what could be better than employment with the doyen? Today they would receive their final positions and the placement announcement made. Only she was still ranked second. An unspoken what if danced around the edges of her thoughts and curdled in her gut.
“Excellent work.” The compliment had come through gritted teeth. Vienetta pulled her attention back towards the classroom. “Perhaps you can tell us what the vault holds now?”
“Um, a few relics from the battles and other charged items found over time.” Vee shrugged. Studying curios and antiquities was the kind of activity that suited her friend Hart, not her.
“No Sword?” Elanora’s eyebrow arched. Vee could see a few of her classmates thought she had got it wrong. The vault was indestructible – and guarded day and night. It was easy to assume the reason.
“No. The Sword was relocated after the city was attacked. The doyen realised its dark energy could still be sensed, and how dangerous it was to keep in the middle of a homestead.” Vee looked over the clan map on the wall opposite the windows. “No one but the doyen know where it was moved to. The city has been safe ever since and the academy remains here to train any and all to defend.”
“Good. The doyen have indeed guarded the Sword with their lives since that battle. They also vowed to protect all who joined them in the fight, and their guardianship has extended to most of the clans since that time. Just look-” she was interrupted by a gong.
Photo by Ricardo Cruz on Unsplash